Following is a list of authorized regional distributors of PSP Valves.
Carrhill Company
California – Hawaii – Nevada
7271 E. Slauson Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040
P: (323) 724-6087
F: (323) 724-6553
E: orders@carrhill.com / CC: robert@carrhill.com
Miners & Pisani, Inc.
Northern California - Nevada - Colorado - Wyoming
3551 Arden Road, Hayward, CA 94545
P: (510) 352-9040
Washington - Oregon - Utah - Idaho - Alaska
P: (800) 528-3813 / (425) 392-4620
F: (425) 557-0384
Suntoya Corporation
Washington – Oregon – Idaho – Alaska
(Product Inventoried in Kent, Washington Warehouse)
3820 East Boone, Spokane, WA 99202
P: (509) 534-1516
F: (509) 535-6546
E: orders@suntoya.com
W: www.suntoya.com
Alliance International Company, Inc.
USA – Europe – Asia
7171 Telegraph Road, Montebello, CA 90640
P: (866) 422-8258
F: (866) 776-8258
E: info@allianceinternationalco.com
W: www.allianceinternationalco.com
Strand Earthquake Consultants
1436 South Bentley Avenue, Suite #6, Los Angeles, CA 90025
P: (800) 978-7263 / (310) 473-2426
F: (310) 473-1366
E: strandeart@aol.com
W: www.strandearthquake.com
South America – Australia – New Zealand & U.S. Territories
P: +1 (310) 473-2316 / +1 (310) 473-2426
QuakeKoso Canada, Inc.
15761 Goggs Avenue, White Rock, B.C. V4B 2N8
P: 1 (604) 274-5550
E: info@quakekoso.com
W: www.quakekoso.com